Sunday, September 5, 2010

But why is soup so magical?

I was having a bad day. It was wet and cold outside, and every muscle in my body felt tense and my forehead was all crinkled up. Time to make soup!

After chopping some veggies, cooking them with garlic, ginger, and olive oil, then adding some water and red lentils, I waited about 20 minutes, and poof! Pretty colors, yummy taste, my body feeling stronger...magic!

But really, what is so special about soup? I checked the definition in the dictionary in hopes it could express to me some of its essence...

SOUP, from Merriam-Webster dictionary
Pronunciation: \ˈsüp\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English soupe, from Anglo-French supe sop, soup, of Germanic origin; akin to Old Norse soppa soup, Old English sopp
Date: 14th century
1 : a liquid food especially with a meat, fish, or vegetable stock as a base and often containing pieces of solid food
2 : something (as a heavy fog or nitroglycerine) having or suggesting the consistency or nutrient qualities of soup
3 : an unfortunate predicament.

Hmm, adequate I guess, but not really helpful in describing what happens when liquid food and solid food comes together in infinite combinations…it can only be described as MAGIK! Well, maybe with a little science thrown in there too.

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